AutoCAD Interview Questions and Answers | PDF

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AutoCAD is a designing software which is commonly used in the field of engineering to draft drawings in computer to conceptualize ideas and product designs to the required level of technical accuracy. We can do calculations and simulations in AutoCAD very easily. AutoCAD is used in many industries and used by architects, project managers, graphic designers, engineers, planners, and other professionals. Here we are discussing the most Important AutoCAD Interview Questions and Answers which are commonly asked in designing interviews.

Most of the AutoCAD interviews contain two main rounds where the company will analyze the candidate’s theoretical knowledge as well as practical AutoCAD knowledge. In the theoretical section, they will ask some Common and Core AutoCAD Interview Questions. But in the practical section, they will give you a diagram with dimensions which you have draft yourself. If you are fresher you can expect some really easy questions as discussed below. But if you are an experienced AutoCAD designer, the questions will be a little bit tough. Here are the most frequently asked AutoCAD interview questions and answers for Freshers and Experienced AutoCAD professionals.

Tip: If you wish to learn AutoCAD, Get a Free One Month Trial from AutoCAD.
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AutoCAD Interview Questions For Freshers

These are some common AutoCAD Interview Questions for freshers. These questions are very easy to understand and easy to answer. You can expect these questions in interview because, they are very basics and popular.

1.What are the major benefits of using AutoCAD?
1. Increased productivity
2. Improved precision
3. Better collaboration
4. 3D visualization and analysis

2. What is the use of Marker in AutoCAD?
Answer: If we enable marker, it helps us to easily find object features like center, midpoint, end point, intersection, tangent, quadrant etc. A unique snap marker will appear when we move the cursor near to objects center, end, mid points.

3. Which are the common coordinate formats used in AutoCAD?
Answer: Cartesian and Polar coordinates are the commonly used coordinate formats in AutoCAD.
1. Cartesian Format : Specifies an X and Y value.
Example : 3,7 or 25,39
2. Polar Formats : Specifies a distance and angle.
Example : 8<90 (where 8 is the distance value and 90 is the angular value in degrees

4. What are the basic steps to be followed before setting up a drawing?
Answer: These are the steps we should follow before drawing something in AutoCAD.
1. Determine and set the Units that are to be used.
2. Determine and set the drawing Limits, then Zoom All.
3. Set an appropriate Snap type and increment.
4. Set an appropriate Grid value to be used.

5. Which command is used to increase the size of text in AutoCAD?
Answer: Scaletext Command

6. What is the use of polar tracking in AutoCAD?
Answer: Polar tracking simplifies drawing lines or performing other actions such as move or copy at specific angle increments.

7. Which Keys are used to perform the same action in AutoCAD?
Answer: Space bar and enter key.

8. What do you mean by Ortho Mode in AutoCAD?
Answer: If you turn ON ortho mode, any drawn line will be a horizontal or vertical. This mode is commonly used to draw straight lines in the workspace. F8 is the key to turn ON and OFF ortho mode.

9. What do you mean by View Cube in AutoCAD?
Answer: View cube act as a guidance to switch between front view, side view and top view. Also we can set North, East, West, South directions for the ease of drafting.

10. What is the use of Fencing option in AutoCAD?
Answer: The fencing option lets you select items to trim by drawing a “fence” (an open ended series of line segments) across them.

11. What is the use of Crossing option in AutoCAD?
Answer: The crossing option lets you select the items to trim with a crossing box.

12. What do you mean by Fillet?
Answer: The Fillet command connects lines, arcs, or circles with a smoothly fitted arc, or fillet. The command is available in Modify panel.

13. What do you mean by Chamfering in AutoCAD?
Answer: The Chamfer command draws a straight line segment between two given lines. Chamfer is the name for the matching process of flattening a sharp corner to create a beveled edge.

14. What do you mean by Polyline. How it is different from normal line?
Answer: The Polyline command draws a series of connected lines or arcs that AutoCAD treats as a single line.

15. Which command creates a new object parallel to the original object?
Answer: Offset Command.

16. How many viewports can be active at the same time?
Answer: Only one viewport can be active in an AutoCAD at one time.

17. Can you name the areas of the AutoCAD screen?
1. Title Bar
2. Quick Access Toolbars Drawing Window
3. Command Prompt
4. Status Bar
5. Ribbon

18. Which is the hotkey for Help in AutoCAD?
Answer: F1 is the key for AutoCAD Help

19. What are the six different options for creating a circle?
1. Center Radius
2. Center Diameter
3. 2 Point
4. 3 Point
5. Tangent Tangent Radius
6. Tangent Tangent Tangent

20. How the Magnet feature help us in AutoCAD drafting?
Answer: The magnet feature causes the cursor to “lock” onto object features like end point, center, midpoint etc when the cursor is within the confines of the marker. Moreover magnet helps to confirm the exact location that will be snapped to for the subsequent PICK.

21. What is the full form of UCS?
Answer: User Coordinate System

22. What is the full form of WCS?
Answer: World Coordinate System

23. How will you turn on Grid Mode in AutoCAD?
Answer: We can easily turn ON/OFF Grid Mode by pressing Ctrl + G

24. How will you take Quick Calculator in AutoCAD?
Answer: We can take Quick Calculator by pressing Ctrl + 8

25. Which keyboard key cancels any active command?
Answer: <Esc> Key

26. What is the use of JOIN command in AutoCAD?
Answer: It is used to combines a series of finite linear and open curved objects at their common endpoints to create a single 2D or 3D object. 

27. Which command is used to count the number of blocks in the drawing?
Answer: BCOUNT Command

28. What is the use of BATTMAN command in AutoCAD?
Answer: It is used to modify the attribute information of blocks containing attributes.

These are the Common AutoCAD Interview Question for fresher. But it is always recommend to read and learn the Core AutoCAD Interview Questions below. Because the questions can be random and depends on the interviewer. You can download the entire AutoCAD Interview Questions as PDF at the end. 🙂

Core AutoCAD Interview Questions For Experienced

When you an experienced professional, you can expect some really tough questions. Because the interviewer will surely ask some core AutoCAD Questions to check your knowledge depth. So you can expect these kind of AutoCAD Questions

29. Which command is used to convert 3D solid and surface into NURBS surface?
Answer: CONVTONURBS Command

30. Which command is used to add control vertices to NURBS surfaces and splines?
Answer: CVADD Command

31. What is the difference between Zoom Extents and Zoom All?
Answer: Zoom Extent will zoom only all of the geometry in the drawing. Zoom All will zoom everything. ie, the drawing geometry and the drawing limits (grid area).

32. How do you make a viewpoint active? How can you tell that a viewpoint is active?
Answer: To make a viewpoint active, place the cursor in the viewpoint and select the left button on the mouse (LMB). An active viewpoint will have a slightly bolder border around it, and will show the cursor crosshairs in it.

33. How will you find moment of inertia in AutoCAD?
Answer: Using the VOLUME command we can find the moment of inertia, radius of gyration, centroid and many more.

34. How will you extract the edges of a 3D solid as 2D geometries?
Answer: We can use XEDGES command to extract the edges of a 3D solid as 2D geometries. It will reveal the edges of the 3D solid just like a wire frame drawing.

35. When will you use OOPS command in AutoCAD?
Answer: OOPS command is used when we need to restore the last deleted object from the drawing.

36. How NCOPY command is differ from COPY command?
Answer: NCOPY command will copy nested objects from a block or Xref without exploding them.

37. Which command is used for checking spelling mistakes in AutoCAD?
Answer: SP command is used for checking spelling mistakes of the selected text. You can correct the spelling from the Check Spelling Window.

38. How will you draw an infinite line in AutoCAD?
Answer: Using XLINE (XL) command we can create a infinite line from the point of selection. If you trim this infinite line to a finite length it becomes a simple line geometry.

39. How can you make a text clearly visible in a crowed background?
Answer: We can use TEXTMASK command to mask the text which will make texts clearly visible against the crowded background.

40. What is the use of LAYMRG command in AutoCAD? How will you use that?
Answer: It is commonly used when we need to merge layers of multiple objects. And it can be done like this, Type LAYMRG press enter key then select the objects whose layers you want to change then press enter again. Select any object of target layer on which you want to transfer the selected objects and press enter again. All the objects of the selected layer will be transferred to the end layer and also the selected layer will be removed.

41. What is the use of ISOLATE command in AutoCAD?
Answer: ISOLATE command is used to hide all objects from the drawing area except the selected objects. Usually this command is used to hide object when we need to get a clean work area for the ease of drawing.

42. Which keyboard shortcut is used to insert hyperlinks in AutoCAD?
Answer: Ctrl+K is used to insert hyper links.

43. What is the use of ARRAY command in AutoCAD?
Answer: It is used to creates copies of objects arranged in a pattern. Moreover we can create copies of objects in a regularly spaced rectangular, polar, or path array.

44. What is the difference between REDO and MREDO command in AutoCAD?
Answer: The REDO command reverses the total action of the last UNDO command. In contrast, MREDO (multiple redo) allows you to select how many of the commands, in reverse chronological order, you want to redo.

45. How will you configure a default output device in AutoCAD? How will you check whether it is specified or not?
Step 1 : Invoke the Option dialog box by right-clicking in the drawing area and selecting Options.. from the bottom of the shortcut menu, or selecting Options.. from the bottom of Application Menu.
Step 2 : In the Plot and Publish tab, locate the Default plot settings for new drawings cluster near the top-left corner of the dialog box. Select the desired plot device from the list (such as a laser printer), then select the Use as default output device button.
Step 3 : Select OK.

46. From which options you can freeze a AutoCAD layer?
Answer: Layer Property Manager.

47. How can you apply the same properties of an object to another object in AutoCAD?
Answer: Using Match Properties. (Matchprop)

48. Which AutoCAD command helps you to transfer selected objects from Paper Space to another?
Answer: Chspace command.

49. What are the guidelines for plotting layouts to scale? Assuming that you are using one viewport that fills all of the printable area.?
These are the steps to be followed when plotting layouts to scale.
1. Set Units ( Decimal, Architectural, Engineering, etc) and Precision to be used in the drawing.
2. Set model space Limits and create the geometry in model space. Use the DSF to determine values for line type scale, text size, dimension scale, hatch scale, etc. Complete the drawing geometry in model space.
3. Activate a layout to begin setting up the layout. You can also use the Layouts Wizard to create a new layout and complete steps 2 through 5.
4. Use Page Setup to select the desired Plot Device and Paper Size.
5. Create, Insert, or Xref the title block and border in the layout. If you are using one of AutoCAD’s template drawings or another template, the title block and border may already exist.
6. Create a viewport using Vports.
7. Click inside the viewport to set the viewport scale. You can set the scale using the Viewport Scale pop-up list, Viewports toolbar, the Properties palette, or use Zoom and enter an XP factor. Use 1/DSF as the viewport scale.
8. Activate the Plot dialog box and ensure the scale in the Scale drop-down list is 1:1. Make a plot Preview, then make the plot or make the needed adjustments.

50. What is the use of Partialopen command in AutoCAD?
Answer: It helps to speeds up and simplifies loading, viewing, and working with large drawings. With Partialopen you can select which views and layers, and therefore which geometry, you want to load. This feature frees up system memory, speeds up regeneration, and prevents having to view and manipulate unneeded layers and geometry.

51. What is the use of Overkill command in AutoCAD?
Answer: Overkill automatically removes duplicate or overlapping lines, arcs, and poly lines. In addition, if partially overlapping or contiguous lines, arcs, and poly lines are selected, they will be combined to become one object.

These are the Core AutoCAD Interview questions for experienced professionals.
Prepare well.
All the Best.
Comments are Welcomed. 🙂

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Jinu Varghese

A 25-year-old humble engineer with a passion for teaching and learning. Working as an SEO Analyst in Bangalore. Lives in India and Loves to travel.